Tuesday, March 22, 2016

How Does MMM Works?

In MMM people agree without any guarantees and promises to help each other with money. Just like that. Because they want to. Assistance provided "transforms" into MAVROs - virtual currency of MMM which grows at the rate of 30% per MONTH! Let's take an example
Nick has in his pocket N 10,000  that he does not need now. He wants to provide help to another person, contributing it in MMM at 30% per month. His intention creates a virtual currency -MAVRO- in MMM (at that the real money is in his pocket). Since this moment the amount of MAVRO begins to grow, even despite the fact that money has not been transferred to anybody yet.

There is another man - John. He has provided help earlier (for example, 3 months ago he contributed 10 thousand naira at 30% per month, and now wants to get 2.197 times more - N 21,970 ). John presses a button in the MMM Personal Office, and the system finds him a person (or more), which wants to provide help now - Nick. The system connects people by providing the sender with the information of the recipient’s details of the bank account. The sender makes the transaction, and the recipient, after the money is received, confirms the receipt in MMM Personal Office. Since that moment Nick has the right to receive financial assistance according to the amount of MAVROs which have "grown" in his Personal Office during the period of participation.  In order to receive help Nick needs to press the corresponding button in the PO and another person will transfer money to him. And so on. Previous are paid at the expense of the next. It's simple!

There is a logical question: will there always be a person who wants to provide help? Will not I be the last one who will not receive money because of its lack?

Let's think a little. What will John do getting help from MMM? Of course, he will spend it. His life will improve, even if before he was in huge debts! If he has money, his friends will be necessarily interested - WHERE FROM?! And, of course, John will tell them - from MMM!

So, I open the secret, which is not a secret at all: everybody needs money! Absolutely! This is the modern world. John’s friends will get interested in MMM, and a living example of a completely successful participation will not leave them a chance to refuse.

Why does this flow of new people have to stop? There is no reason for this. On the contrary, it will only grow more and more rapidly in the length of time. 

Get the detail explanation on how to REGISTER HERE

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